How to Install Meta's CodeLlama-70B Locally

Meta has released the latest CodeLlama-70B Model and it is fantastic! Read this article to learn how to run CodeLlama-70B by yourself!

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How to Install Meta's CodeLlama-70B Locally

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The emergence of CodeLlama-70B marks a significant milestone for the recent AI Development. Developed by Meta, this large language model (LLM) specializes in code generation, setting a new benchmark for efficiency and intelligence in automating coding tasks. Unlike its predecessors, Code Llama 70B isn't just an incremental update; it's a quantum leap, designed to cater to the intricate demands of modern software development with unparalleled precision.

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What Is Code Llama 70B?

Code Llama 70B is a state-of-the-art large language model (LLM) developed by Meta AI, designed for code generation. It has been trained on 500 billion tokens, making it more capable and robust than its predecessors. Some key technical details of Code Llama 70B include:

  • Large context window: Code Llama 70B has a larger context window of 100,000 tokens, enabling it to process and generate longer and more complex code[1].
  • Based on Llama 2: Code Llama 70B is a specialized version of Llama 2, one of the largest LLMs in the world, with 175 billion parameters. Llama 2 is a general-purpose LLM that can generate text in any domain and style, from poetry to news articles.
  • Fine-tuned for code generation: Code Llama 70B has been fine-tuned for code generation, making it more effective in generating code in various programming languages.
  • Impact on code generation: Code Llama 70B is expected to have a significant impact on the field of code generation, offering a powerful and accessible tool for creating and improving code. It can also lower the barrier to entry for people who want to learn coding, as it can provide guidance and feedback based on natural language instructions.
  • Potential applications and use cases: Code Llama 70B can potentially enable new applications and use cases, such as automating the process of creating and modifying software, making software development more efficient, accessible, and creative.
Code Llama 70B is released under a permissive license that allows for both research and commercial use. The model and its officially released checkpoints can be found on the Hugging Face model hub. More information about the model and its usage can be found on the Code Llama GitHub repository.

In summary, Code Llama 70B is a powerful and accessible tool for code generation, with a large context window and fine-tuning for code generation tasks. It is based on the Llama 2 LLM and has the potential to significantly impact the field of code generation and enable new applications and use cases.

How Good Is Code Llama 70B?

At its core, Code Llama 70B is an AI marvel engineered to transform the way we interact with code. Its development by Meta signifies a leap in AI's ability to understand and generate code, making it a pivotal tool in the realm of software development. Here are some key aspects that highlight its uniqueness:

  • Extensive Training Data: Trained on an impressive 1TB of code and related data, Code Llama 70B has a vast reservoir of knowledge to draw from, enabling it to handle a wide range of coding tasks with remarkable proficiency.
  • High Accuracy: Scoring 53% in accuracy on the HumanEval benchmark, this model sets a new standard for AI code generators, showcasing its ability to understand and execute coding tasks effectively.
  • Scalable Model Options: The availability of multiple model sizes, including 7B, 13B, 34B, and the flagship 70B parameter versions, ensures that there is a suitable model for various computational requirements and use cases.

Key Features and Capabilities

Code Llama 70B is not just about its size or the data it was trained on; it's about what it can do. Its capabilities extend far beyond simple code generation, offering a range of features that cater to diverse coding needs:

  • Code Completion: One of the most sought-after features, Code Llama 70B can predict and complete chunks of code, significantly speeding up the coding process.
  • Code Infilling: The model can intelligently fill in missing code segments, making it easier to work on incomplete or draft code.
  • Prompt-Based Generation: Given a prompt or a specific instruction, Code Llama 70B can generate relevant code snippets or text, facilitating a more intuitive interaction with the AI.

The versatility and efficiency of Code Llama 70B make it a valuable asset for developers, from those just starting out to seasoned professionals looking to streamline their workflow.

Benchmark Performance of CodeLlama-70B

Code Llama 70B is a powerful open-source large language model (LLM) for code generation, developed by Meta. It has shown state-of-the-art performance on several code benchmarks, such as HumanEval and MBPP. Here is a table summarizing the performance of Code Llama 70B on these benchmarks:

Model HumanEval Score MBPP Score
Code Llama 70B 53% 55%

The Python variant of Code Llama 70B, Code Llama - Python 7B, outperforms Llama 2 70B on HumanEval and MBPP. Additionally, all Code Llama models outperform every other publicly available model on MultiPL-E.

Llama Models vs. GPT-4: Compared

CodeLlama 70B and GPT-4 are both large language models (LLMs) with different strengths and weaknesses. Here is a comparison of the two models:

CodeLlama 70B:

  • Developed by Meta AI.
  • Trained on a massive dataset of factual information
  • Open-source, allowing for modifications and self-hosting
  • Cost-effective, approximately 30 times less expensive per usage than GPT-4
  • Strong factual accuracy, nearly as accurate as GPT-4 for summarization tasks
  • Competitive performance on various benchmarks, such as QA datasets, common sense tasks, and coding tasks


  • Developed by Perplexity
  • Excels in mission-critical scenarios and autonomous content creation
  • Closed-source, which may limit modifications and self-hosting
  • More expensive than Llama 70B
  • Superior performance on complex tasks, such as MMLU
  • Advanced intricacy and larger model size, leading to unparalleled ability to generate creative content

General Benchmark Comparison of Models: GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4 vs Llama 2

General Benchmark Comparison of Models: GPT-3.5 vs GPT-4 vs Llama 2

Comparing the Helpfulness: Llama Models vs GPT-4

Comparing the Helpfulness: Llama Models vs GPT-4

Comparing the Factual Accuracy: Llama 2 Models vs GPT-4 vs Human

Comparing the Factual Accuracy: Llama 2 Models vs GPT-4 vs Human

Compare the Effectiveness of Fine-Tuning: Llama Models vs GPT-4

Compare the Effectiveness of Fine-Tuning: Llama Models vs GPT-4

In summary, Llama Models are cost-effective and open-source LLM with strong factual accuracy and competitive performance on various benchmarks. GPT-4, on the other hand, excels in mission-critical scenarios and autonomous content creation, with superior performance on complex tasks and advanced creativity. The choice between the two models depends on your specific needs and project objectives.

How to Run CodeLlama-70B Locally

To run Code Llama 70B locally with Ollama, follow these steps:

  • Install Ollama: Download and install Ollama on your local machine. You can find the installation instructions on the Ollama GitHub repository.
  • Download the Code Llama 70B model: Use the ollama pull command to download the Code Llama 70B model. The command to pull the 70B model is ollama run codellama:70b.
  • Run the model: Once the model is downloaded, you can run it using the ollama run command followed by the model name. In this case, the command would be ollama run codellama:70b.
  • Interact with the model: You can now interact with the model by providing input and receiving output. The model will generate code based on your input prompts.

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Code Llama 70B represents a milestone in the journey of AI and machine learning, particularly in the realm of code generation. Its impressive performance on benchmarks, combined with its versatility and ease of use, positions it as a key player in shaping the future of coding. As we continue to explore and expand the capabilities of AI models like Code Llama 70B, the potential for innovation in software development and beyond is boundless.

In summary, Code Llama 70B is not just a tool for today's developers; it's a harbinger of the transformative changes AI is bringing to the world of technology. Its impact extends beyond mere code generation, promising to revolutionize how we interact with, understand, and innovate in the digital realm.