LLaMA-Factory: Simple LLM FineTuning (Colab and Locally)

Unleash the power of LLaMA: Step-by-step guide to fine-tuning and deploying cutting-edge language models with LLaMA-Factory!

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LLaMA-Factory: Simple LLM FineTuning (Colab and Locally)

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Introduction to LLaMA-Factory

LLaMA-Factory is an open-source project that provides a comprehensive set of tools and scripts for fine-tuning, serving, and benchmarking LLaMA models. LLaMA (Large Language Model Adaptation) is a collection of foundation language models developed by Meta AI that demonstrate strong performance on various natural language tasks.

The LLaMA-Factory repository makes it easy to get started with LLaMA models by providing:

  • Scripts for data preprocessing and tokenization
  • Training pipelines for fine-tuning LLaMA models
  • Inference scripts for generating text with trained models
  • Benchmarking tools to evaluate model performance
  • Gradio web UI for interactive testing

In this article, we'll walk through the key steps of using LLaMA-Factory to fine-tune and deploy a LLaMA model.

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How to Setup LLaMA-Factory

To get started, you'll need to set up your Python environment with the required dependencies. It's recommended to use a virtual environment to isolate the packages.

# Create and activate a virtual environment
python -m venv llama-env 
source llama-env/bin/activate

# Install required packages
pip install -r requirements.txt

The requirements.txt file in the LLaMA-Factory repo specifies the necessary Python packages including PyTorch, Transformers, Datasets, and more.

You'll also need to have access to the pretrained LLaMA model weights. The weights are not publicly available, but can be requested from Meta for research purposes. Place the model weights in the llama_checkpoints directory.

Data Preparation for LLaMA-Factory

The next step is to prepare your dataset for fine-tuning. LLaMA-Factory expects the training data to be in a specific JSON format:

    "instruction": "What is the capital of France?",
    "input": "",
    "output": "Paris is the capital of France."

Each JSON object represents a training example, with fields for:

  • instruction: The task instruction or prompt
  • input: Additional context for the task (can be empty)
  • output: The target completion or response

You can prepare your own dataset in this format, or use one of the example datasets provided in the data directory, such as the Alpaca dataset.

To tokenize and process the dataset, run:

python data_preprocess.py \
  --data_path data/alpaca_data.json \
  --save_path data/alpaca_data_tokenized.json

This will load the JSON dataset, tokenize the text fields, and save the tokenized data to disk. The tokenizer used is the LlamaTokenizer from the Transformers library.

Fine-Tune LLM with LLaMA-Factory

With the data prepared, you can now launch a fine-tuning run using the finetune.py script:

python finetune.py \
  --model_name llama-7b \
  --data_path data/alpaca_data_tokenized.json \
  --output_dir output/llama-7b-alpaca \
  --num_train_epochs 3 \
  --batch_size 128 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \

The key arguments are:

  • model_name: The base LLaMA model to fine-tune, e.g. llama-7b
  • data_path: Path to the tokenized dataset
  • output_dir: Directory to save the fine-tuned model
  • num_train_epochs: Number of training epochs
  • batch_size: Batch size for training
  • learning_rate: Learning rate for the optimizer
  • fp16: Use FP16 mixed precision to reduce memory usage

The script will load the pretrained LLaMA model, prepare the dataset for training, and run the fine-tuning process using the specified hyperparameters. The fine-tuned model checkpoints will be saved in the output_dir.

Inference with LLaMA-Factory

Once you have a fine-tuned LLaMA model, you can use it to generate text completions given a prompt. The generate.py script provides an example of how to load a model and perform inference:

python generate.py \
  --model_path output/llama-7b-alpaca \
  --prompt "What is the capital of France?"

This will load the fine-tuned model from the model_path, tokenize the provided prompt, and generate a text completion using the model's generate() method. You can customize generation parameters like max_length, num_beams, temperature etc.

Web UI

For interactive testing and demonstration, LLaMA-Factory also provides a Gradio web UI. To launch the UI, run:

python web_ui.py --model_path output/llama-7b-alpaca

This will start a local web server and open the UI in your browser. You can enter prompts and generate completions from the fine-tuned model in real-time.

The web UI code in web_ui.py shows how to integrate the model with Gradio to build an interactive demo. You can extend and customize the UI for your specific use case.

Benchmarking with LLaMA-Factory

Finally, LLaMA-Factory includes scripts for benchmarking the performance of fine-tuned models on various evaluation datasets. The benchmark.py script provides an example:

python benchmark.py \
  --model_path output/llama-7b-alpaca \
  --benchmark_datasets alpaca,hellaswag

This will load the fine-tuned model and evaluate its performance on the specified benchmark_datasets. The script reports metrics like accuracy, perplexity, and F1 score.

You can add your own evaluation datasets by implementing a DatasetBuilder class and registering it with the benchmark script.

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Anakin AI is an all-in-one platform for all your workflow automation, create powerful AI App with an easy-to-use No Code App Builder, with Llama 3, Claude, GPT-4, Uncensored LLMs, Stable Diffusion...

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LLaMA-Factory provides a powerful toolbox for working with LLaMA language models. With its scripts for data processing, fine-tuning, inference, and benchmarking, you can quickly train and deploy adapted LLaMA models for your specific use case.

The modular design of the codebase also makes it easy to extend and customize the pipeline for advanced workflows. You can experiment with different model architectures, training objectives, and inference strategies.

To learn more and contribute to the project, check out the LLaMA-Factory GitHub repository:

GitHub - hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory: Unify Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs
Unify Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ LLMs. Contribute to hiyouga/LLaMA-Factory development by creating an account on GitHub.